Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Homework 58- Prom Interviews


Person that hasn’t gone to prom: John T.
   John is part of that anti-prom movement. He doesn’t want to go to prom but thinks that he might end up going. His main problem with prom is the money. He said, “It’s pointless to spend all of that money for one night. It’s $150 just to get in. It’s ridiculous.”
   He then went on to talk about how he knows a lot of people that just go to prom to get drunk and have sex, and these motives are hidden by our culture. He cleared it up by saying what we think are dominant social practices are actually dominant social expectations, and the actual practices vary from the expectations.The whole idea of prom to him is outplayed, overpriced and lame. 
Person that has been to prom: Mark
Mark, who attends a catholic school, lives in the suburbs, and had his prom last week recalled his experience with me. He began by describing his prom experience: "First, I got picked up, met my girlfriend, and we went to our friends house to take pictures with him and his date. After that we went to our school where the prom was being held. When I got there whole thing felt cheesy and kinda lame. Looking around, everybody was in the same style of attire, girls in short dresses, guys in tuxes." 
    He went on to explain that the prom wasn't all that bad, but he didn't enjoy it that much because he was thinking about the afterprom. "It's all about the afterprom." He was saying how the afterprom is where all the excitement happens. The drinking, the hookups, the REAL memories. He said if it made sense to he would have just skipped the prom and went straight to the afterprom. He added that none of this seemed strange, that prom is prom, it's all the same stuff, but the afterprom parties are what makes it unique. 
     When it came to all the "rite of passage" talk, he said he overlooked it. That it wasn't a rite of passage to him, he has other times to dress up and look nice. He added that this type of event isn't a naturally occurring event, it takes months of planning, but it is "a very superficial experience."
Significantly older person: Dave
Dave, who is my uncle from Florida, has an opinion on everything, and loves to tell stories. He grew up in Florida, and he said that prom was a big thing for him, for everyone around him.He was the quarterback of his football team, and in a suburban school that translates to the most popular. He had no problem with asking girls. So when it came to asking a girl it wasn't hard for him to find a date. He said he didn't mind any of the preparation either. He liked to dress up. He did feel like even with all the preparation the night didn't feel "special". He felt it was just something everybody does.
He said that the prom is a rite of passage for some people, and for others it's meaningless. It all depends on the persons experience prior to the events. Some people he grew up with had money, and their parents had big parties all the time so he was used to it. He said the prom is just another high school social event over everything else.
Everybody has their own view of prom. Some people are excited to attend, for whatever reason it may be, like Mark. Some people know they want nothing to do with prom, like John. Some people still remember their prom and see it as an important social experience. I don't necessarily agree with any of these ideas, but I can understand them.
John doesn't want to go because it is costly and there will be a lot people he doesn't want to be around. Which I agree with, prom can cost a lot of money at least at our school, considering it costs $150 just to get in. I got asked to go with somebody this year and I would have gone but I just didn't have the money. But it's true there's a lot of other things that are more worth spending the money on. It is just one night, and unless your really into it, as mark said, it's all about the afterprom.
It can't be that simple. Prom isn't a uniform thing, it changes from region to region,school to school. By saying prom is this or prom is that isn't being accurate. While there is a set of general expectations, it wouldn't be ideal to say each prom follows every dominant social practice. It really is what you make.

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