Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Families Foodways

  There are different customs in different generations.  That doesn't change when talking about food. My generation eats differently my parents, and my parents generation eats differently then their parents. But as time goes by we are becoming increasingly similar in foodways. Why? Because foodways among the general public change. When a lot of people are doing something, or eating one way, others assimilate. So right now, my foodways are very similar to my parents. Either one of us could be caught at McDonald's for lunch, or at subway getting a five dollar footlong. And our dinner foodways are pretty much the same too, considering my parents cook. In general we influence each others foodways, and that is what make them so similar.
   If time were to be rewinded thirty or so years, there would be a lot of differenced between my parents foodways and my own. My grandparents were not big on going out for food, or even ordering in. They always had to have cooked their own meals. And it was always my grandma cooking, never my grandfather. Which just shows how things change over time, about how now men are expected to cook and do things things that were once considered "woman's work".  So as time changes, the foodways of a generation can too.
   Overall, my foodways, compared to those of my parents generation are not that different now. But in ten years from now, those foodways can be completely different. It will be all about what foods are trending. I know my foodways will change, but that there will probably be some influence from my parents, and through that, even my grandparents. There's a lot of different ways to look at, and think about food, and over time those ideas change, and so will the major discourse about food.

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